Riding in the Rain...

Sunday, May 25, 2003

Hello!!! back from the one star kayaking course!!! Damn fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although i kayaked before unofficial certified, the whole course was a total new experience for me!! Choppy waters, my first capsize, canoepolo, and using the 'power push'(cos i now got strength mah... last time weakling..,, hehe)!!!! ahhaha so fun!!! Then hop into the sea kayak, all right!!! Damn fast and shiok!!!! Can paddle all the way manz and able to perfect my paddling to maintain constant velocity and increase when need too using the 'power push'...... ANd the waves!!! hahaha... Just luV 'em when u are going straight against them!!! And eating in the kayak in the middle of the sea!! damn interesting!!!!! haha!!! Of course there's a price to pay lahz... kena sunbrunt like *TooT* and still having motion sickness(Feeling like a boat in the sea while on land)... hahaha.... But overall i love it!!!! Maybe i can go down once a month to practise practise...... ehehe... must get ppl liaoz...