Riding in the Rain...

Sunday, November 30, 2003

ok i'm finally blogging. Less than an hour till the end of my birthday.... This is the first most tiring birthday i ever had. Wahaha... I was awake for more than 27 hours for the camp thingy.... Went home to watch tv for a while..... shower.. Stone at the bed and sleep for a about 3 hrs? then i'm fully awake. Till now. wahahahhahahaha crazy......

Had fun at the race.... first time to hitchhike 6 times around Singapore at unearthly hours.most of the ppl there were like 19, or 20 somethings.... Wooo.... hehe... But i'm glad that this walk around singapore puts me back into shape... Weee.~!!!

For now, i'll spend the last few minutes of my birthday seraching for the bike......