Riding in the Rain...

Sunday, December 21, 2003

REad through some blogs that have the distinct Singlish smeared all over it. And i thought mine was worse enough... More people are into this blogging thingy. Do they turn to blogging to pour our their problems or just a little place to keep their thoughts and happiest moments? Well, for me, i wanted to write down what happened in my life during secondary school. It was sheer luck that no one i know blogs or have the same thought. Otherwise, i can infect sunny and gang into blogging. Well, i didn't really go and find it too. Don't know why too. Aha! Then came to JC, saw a few screens of blogs, got the website. Now i'm so called hooked.

Since then i have blogged for quite a long time, i keep procrastinating to change te layout of the blog. Hmmm.... Would be nice if i can steal some examples from different websites... hehe.

Good night. Another cough-a-thon awaits me later.....