Riding in the Rain...

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Hmm... it's 20 days into the new year. Yeah, i'm bored. Days just fly past in a few blinks. I have i done in this few days? Definitely the ever-going process of rotting. My life is in a standstill now. Where time doesn't affect me anymore. Daily current affairs on TV bored the hell out of me. What i'm thinking most of the time now is the bloody bike. Yes, the bloody GT avalance 2.0 with disc. I don't know why i'm thinking of it all the time. I'm freaking out too.... grr... Thinking about the stuff i can do with it makes me... alive? I just wanna ride it. Hah... I call this the 'Bike flu'. Gee.... WHy do i have to wait till the 27th to get it? This is so evil... Well, then... let me go do some map reading now... Might be cycling back from tampines via east coast, esplanade and up the CBD, to thomson road then sembawang. =P