Riding in the Rain...

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Haiz.... i think i gotta go library tomorrow to borrow a book to read.... or some magazines... Maybe i cycle to woodlands regional library someday with the market bike and chiong the lib!

Cycling rocks! Increases fitness levels,lose weight (look at Lunix!), save on transport money, get a nice tan under the hot sun, nice winding feeling, get honked by cars and buses,a good chance to show the middle finger to errant drivers, get squeezed between the kerb and the bloody inconsiderate taxis or bus and cars (no problems with motorcyclists so far), got thrown water by some fucked up ass driver(i got it once), get freaked by be drivers that zoom past you with a 10com gap from your barend to the side mirror.

Well, that's part of cycling.... hehe.... Then cycling i separated in different sections or 'sects'. My sect is XC which is cross country or long dist. Freeride is the sect which you see ppl jumping around with their bike. DH or downhill sect is go down rocky slopes or something like that. TRail riding is muddy trails riding lah or jumping up rocks logs blah blah.... There maybe more and some of what i explained isn't accurate either..... so yah, just crapping around as usual again... lol

|XC ROCKS| ^_______^ |XC ROCKS|