Riding in the Rain...

Sunday, February 15, 2004

started cycling when the sky was already dark.. about 8pm, andrew was at my house burning stuff onto a cd... cycled to Hougang to deliver the card. Walked around in hope of getting a rose somewhere near, but to no avail... No rose = sian x 99 .... I slot it into the letterbox... Then pondered for 10 minutes on where to go..... Cycling alone is so boring.. =( Initial plan was to recce a route to west coast park and labrador park... Since today was valentine's day, i dun wanna go there to see free shows. =X (Please note that some hotels were fully booked for this special occasion.)

After much indecisive decisions, i went to try out Mandai Road. I was a little zonked out or something, i didn't see the word '(SLE)' beside "Mandai Road'. Ended up on SLE... sian.. Then the emergency tow truck guys stopped me, I explained my story... They warned me blah blah... Lucky not the TP... no summon yet! phew... Nice and reasonable guys. pointed me an exit out of SLE to mandai road. Yup the mandai road, with lots of up and down... Imagine cycling on a road and you are the only human in sight. I was all alone with dark tall trees on both sides... creepy? nah... fun! =P Did a max speed of 46.5km/h, hehe....

Cycled to the Woodlands Road, munched on my emergency food. Cycled back to the yishun side, went to khabit. Wanted to ask andrew out for supper, but his parents won't allow it... so i went home..... REached my block... Didn't feel like going up so soon... Laid on the basketball court and gazed at the stars... Wanted to think of stuff that happened in the past, the brain was just too tired to think of any... I just stoned there, gazing at the stars. The wind was nice. Wind charms (from the 2nd storey) occasionally jingled with the wind. It's nice to be out again.. Missed outdoor stuff... especially sleeping on top of mountains... SO NICE....

Oh mom woke up! hehe... time to go sleep liao! Happy Valentine's day everyone!