Riding in the Rain...

Friday, March 12, 2004

Hehe, gonna torture myself with bad singers on Amercan Idol... haha....

Cycled quite a bit more today. 30km, showered with numerous sightings of nice animals and the strong winds aiding me on the endurance training haha... saw a baby monitor lizard basking in the middle of the road... =) slithered back into the bush when i tired to approach it....

Then on my reutn trip, i didn't see it on the road... relax didn't kill it.... being totally black, the reptilian seemed totally camoflauged on the tarmac.... To me who was travelling at 30km/h, it was road..... gah... luckily it turned fast enough for me to missed it by AN FREAKING INCH. phew... the other one was a small usual lizard... went over its tail.. ah~! tinking about it makes me sick.... but it's still alive.... and running =)

Gah..... Watching William Hung makes me puke....