Riding in the Rain...

Saturday, July 24, 2004

argh... i should stay away from comps for a while... jammed my father comp while blogging again.

My comp's down... I can fix it but i need to use my bro's com to do that... crap... Let's wait till he's back tomorrow.

Crappy week. 3 consecutive SOCs and 3 excerises in 4 days... It was HELL! That's why by the third day my whole coy was dragging their feet everywhere they go.

Something surprised me today. A platoon mate, whom is seldom spoke too, rested his head on my shoulders for a few secs. Later he told me of my character and what would i be thinking of in my mind. Ah..... Psychic? Nah, just that i'm not the only one with the same behaviorial pattern. Heh, quiet people have a tendency to  talk to themselves in the mind. Reasoning with oneself in the 'perfect' environment... Haha.... me sometimes a loner, but i do welcome company =)

And to my dear comp, please get back online!!!! I WANNA LISTEN TO MY MP3s!!!! screw the programs! I just want my files to be intact!