Riding in the Rain...

Sunday, April 03, 2005

ARGH~! Finally experienced the wrath of a auntie that directly insult you to the lowest levels of dirt right in front of you while talking to abother person~! WTF~! Nevermind..... She just belittling herself, her goals in mind were hindered by us due to security implications. Then she started chanting all those shit... HAha.... Me and my friend shot bloodshot eyes straight at her.... We maintained our cool... Our utmost sweet revenge would be prolonging the process of her request by a few hours and adding a few more chaotic scenarios into her heretic worktime... =P Does following instructions = no brains? That's what she thinks.... Did she even considered other viewpoints and stuff? Security implications? Helo~! We liing in the post terrorist world now! It seems that some singaporeans are kinda used to the smooth flowing of all their daily life... So we tend to see some unique 'feedbacks' when the usual human dynamics has gone haywire... =D It's kinda interesting i must say! Plus we will always have ways to get back at you silently and tactfully... Muahahaha.... We are just evil....

Finally 2 days of duty done! and got crazy listening to the song "lonely" by Acorn over and over again~!

Going to a new workplace tomorrow~! hehe...
Got down to do a spreadsheet on all my finacial expeditures.... =P all calculations done the moment you type it in! =)

gotta go sleep now~!