Riding in the Rain...

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Oh well, I'm back in camp again. I feel extremely tired as i can't really waste much of my time outside sleeping. haha, played GW the whole day! Yeah, i dun count it as a waste of time. It's like a period for resting while at the same time playing something that i like. BTW, bone fiends now fill up my power gap against the stronger monsters. I know know what skills should i get for my ranger. =)

I wanna change my phone! But i can't get any camera phones.. Gah.. Maybe a N-gage QD. Lobangs anyone? Too bored in camp, so i have to resort to playing stupid games online like Kings of chaos. Would post up a link or 2 to help me recuit new knights. Haiz... I really miss sleeping at home... It's been a month since i last woke up with the sun shining at me in my bed. I need more rest. I dun get offs or even go out on public holidays. My booking out day are reduced to like interrupted book outs, with at most 18 outside of camp. So how can i sleep? Now i'm too shagged to even riding my bike or do any sports. My body is degenerating due to this. Ah...

I guess again i ended this blog with a depressing note again.