Riding in the Rain...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Well, watched Cindrella man yesterday! Quite a nice show! But before that i spent like 1hour plus walking around the National Orchid Garden snapping around on the EOS 350D. I took quite a few(a lot, actually) shots of orchids. If not for the dimishing sun and pestering mosquitoes, i would have stayed on longer! So much for $5! Next time wear more protective clothes! Saw 3sa yesterday too at Wheelock! It's a long time since we met. She looks the same, haha...

I had a pretty hard time thinking of names for each picture today. I'm not that good to name every pic i took instantly. But i'm that irritated by labelling pics with numbers... AH! Paranoid!

Today marks the end of my temporary freedom, and it's back to camp for me. I practically slacked the whole day and almost played magic cards with mj... haiz... When are the rest of the cards arriving? My black deck is almost ready...

BAck to camp tomorrow! More shit is gonna happen! More stress! AH!!!! 254 days left to ORD!!!! The last time i looked at it was 600+ days!!! WEEE~!!! That's about 8 months!