Riding in the Rain...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Magical burden

Aparts Ments
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
More fooling around the camera today! WAnted to go for a short ride but due to the downpour, i didn't. So i wasted the whole afternoon watching 2 Ghost in the shell movies. Innocence is a pretty much 'i don't know what the hell is going on' affair. Medicore subtitles with lots of grammatical errors certainly played a part.

Heh, I think i spent about $200 on magic the gathering cards. And it's time i stop buying the damn freaking cards!!!! Ah!!! Most likely to ask for spare commons and make do with what I have to create a few decks. Maybe ask a few guys to play a few games, and change my deck every week. =)

I have a fetish for PI stuff... I don't know why. I think i would get a PI vest for my night rides on the road bike in the future. Road bike = faster = more wind chill = sick....

More responsibilities coming my way in camp... ah.. whatever, just enjoy my break that is coming this week first. hehe...