Riding in the Rain...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Azure trees

Azure trees
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
A miracle happened! I finally moved my lazy ass to upload all the pics from teh biking trip and Don's ORD dinner! Oh well, it's time i got my butt moving to ride...

I'm pretty much tempted to buy a PSP today. But I'm not really impressed with the current array of games on the market now. Most of the games i would play are either Japanese RPG or Japanese action games. So i'm quite hesistent to buy at all. Burnout legends is good, but mindless crashing is rather boring after a while. I need some decent RPGs! AH!

I'm gonna be 20 years old this November. Thinking back, time really fly at warp speed. Miss the old times. heh, had a little info about some engagement blowing around other friend's blogs. So the little bad habit in me to find and source out the validity of it. And i usually get what i want to find... So yah.... Hmm, seems that bloggers really put up a lot of info for the world to see...

Oh well, time to sleep!