Riding in the Rain...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Moment of light

Moment of light
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
I haven't really blogged for the past week. I was kinda stressed and slightly depressed. Why? I don't like my current appointment!!! A freaking PS! ah!!! They jsut threw me into that appointment out of the blue. So i went to understudy for 2 weeks. I didn't like it at all. gah! This is one sticky situation i'm in! Then i should stuck in tis position until feb? By then i should be getting someone to take over for a while to get a well deserved break. I almost couldn't take the first week. Am i able to continue for a few months? I keep telling myself to take it as a challenge... It's hard! Before anyone comes and start labelling as a weenie or something, please let me unwhine a bit to keep my stress level down. Such a sudden change in environment is so freaking hard! I was chosen because 'there were no one else'!! WTF reason was that? It's shit work to be done everyday. I find the reason to implement the change just for a week of relaxation pretty nice. But we have to sacrifice 2 weeks of hell with extra hours of work on top of it? Is it worth it? Sometimes those higher ups are pretty useless, when it comes to lower down's stuff. All they know is to just ask you to do it. Just do it. (Please screw the certain brand's slogan. No offence.) All they tell us that they understand how we feel. Tell us we are giving these nice previlleges, only to be taken away in the future. It has happened. They tell us they would do this in the future. Yet they tell us they won't implement the good stuff. Instead they start throwing us stuff that casues us more work, more stress more shit. The guys are suffering for god's stake! They have sacrificed so much for the unit and in a more honourable term, for the nation. At least, show some appreciation and not to go overboard with matters.

We worked 24hours ,every day, for the whole week. for the whole year. The light in the office was never switched off, less the occassional power trips. While the higher ups happily go home to their family and play a short game of golf. Heh, beautiful isn't it?

Sometimes I feel that we are being exploited beyond what we are earning for. These few hundred bucks is just so hard to earn... So let's just take a step at a time and see what they can throw at us. We will become stronger, of course. With so much shit throw to us who doesn't become stronger? Well, our pathetic lives shall continue in this hell hole always looking for some hope to ease our lives. Apparently, the current factors doesn't deem the future as bright. There is hope. GAh!

I feel much better now.

*Disclaimer, READ THIS FIRST*
For all the above words, take it with a pinch of salt. They are meant to be just crap, utter rubbish. These words are not meant to cause any harm or anything negative. These words are just waste results generated from a form of relieve theraphy. So once again, they are utter crap. All to be forgotten after you read it.

(Have to type this... after i kena sued how?)