Riding in the Rain...

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Video frenzy!

5G Ipod Video
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
I'm suppose to be doing photograhpy, reading books/ comics during my free time at home! And what am i doing? Shopping outside and online! Ah!

I'm trying to spice up my pda with video and stuff to watch on the move. Yet Bro have to taunt me with his new Ipod Video! ah!!!! Just watched Naruto 160 on it, nice resolution, but the sound kinda suck due to the compression.

Oh well, i'm trying to enrich myself with more readings of mags and newspaper, but i can't seem to find the time at all! Maybe i should revert to my isolation period like when i have to save money the last time around. Gah!

I'm clearing quite a few off and leaves next week. So more time to read up hopefully!