Balls by the pool
Ah, I'm sick... Gah! Finally some well deserved rest.
Heh, it's a well known fact that the guys doing this line in the SAF wouldn't want to sleep even if they are tired. They don't want to waste their time out sleep it away. This is a scacrifice that every one is making and only the up levels don't get to know or feel about it. hah!
I'm spending again! Ah! I'm supposed to save for the Aussie trip and what am i doing? Clicking away on Ebay! AH!!!! Crap... Oh well, think to really enjoy this week! Christmas is coming!
Heh, it's a well known fact that the guys doing this line in the SAF wouldn't want to sleep even if they are tired. They don't want to waste their time out sleep it away. This is a scacrifice that every one is making and only the up levels don't get to know or feel about it. hah!
I'm spending again! Ah! I'm supposed to save for the Aussie trip and what am i doing? Clicking away on Ebay! AH!!!! Crap... Oh well, think to really enjoy this week! Christmas is coming!