Riding in the Rain...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Who stole my engine?

Who stole my engine?
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
SAT 1 freaking costs $120 buck. I'm gonna take it in May! So it's study for the next 2 months.... no more games and stuff. I really need to get this straight and in for uni.... Would sign up for uni on sunday itself. Most prob psycho again at NUS and NTU. I really pray that i can get in either one of them, especially SMU.

Psychology wasn't really what i thought i would do in the past. I wasn't even interested in the begining... Until some massive intervention in life knocked the hell out of my brains. The engine just started rolling.

Really looking forward to the scuba lessons in may. lol, it's either scuba lessons or JAp lessons at the Banka JAp school. Heh, i hope i can take the latter in the future. time to sleep. I don't think i'm going to sleep tomorrow. Need to think of stuff to write for my entrance essay....