Riding in the Rain...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Hmm, cleaned 3 hours worth of time on the stupid rifle... STILL NOT CLEAN! WTF! His standard is damn freaking high! grr.. more cleaning next week...

Learned something new today. Social inattention, It's a behaviour cultivated by city dwellers when i comes to meeting alot of people. Eg, like walking on the streets where countless of people just walk pass you. Most probably you wouldn't be aware of their prescence because you have being accustomed to social inattention.

let's say if you're living in a small town that you know everyone closely, it's just a little community. But social inattention wouldn't be very much in progress as you most prb have to say 'Hi' to everyone within a few steps of walking. It helps us with our social life, otherwise he would be quite traumatised to walk on the streets everyday.

In other words, It's 'dao'....

Yay, interview for the sponsorship this friday! Gotta study for it heh... Apparently they got everyone who send in for a interview.. So yah, competition is big. Wish me luck! Ja mata!