Riding in the Rain...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The days of reckoning

Shoot him!
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Hey, spending the past few days studying and playing WoW. Excerised too. Shagged...

It's been a while since i started WoW. I'm glad i did =) I got into the top 3 guilds in server Steamwheedle Cartel. Bro's playing on my server too. So is kelvin! Weee~! This server is ideal for more relaxing playtime. No rushing and tension. heh, roleplay all you want!

BTW, my guild's Enders just started around the time i bought the game =P So i'm pretty much lucky. Gotta thank, Irr, Glyph, Regnak, Kat, Bromber, Varoc for such and enjoyable time together. I'll be joining hte ranks of 60 very soon. currently a lvl 45 rogue.. MAking a Mage heh..

Check out the guild's webby here


Well, since i got my sponsorship(yay!), I should start concentrating on my studies to maintain the bond. So an iron rule will be set. No WoW on WEEKDAYS except on holidays. I need some control! damn.

I'm going into hosting my own webby soon. If I find the correct webhost, i might get 2 domain names =) maybe i'll give one to the guild. So looking forward to the future! need to sleep now...

Good night!