Riding in the Rain...

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Pahang-Kelantan Boundary

Pahang-Kelantan Boundary
Originally uploaded by Lek>.
This is called being at 2 places at one time =D Did this a few times at some where i forgot....

Well the expedition ended and so back to school for me. It's been a great week so far, getting bonded means i have a little allowance so that i can relieve the burden of my parents. Relaxation after the test on wednesday. But i'm still lethagic from the exped.. I don't think i have enough rest yet =P Maybe Wow had something to do with it. Oh well, at level 48, and grinding for Timbermaw Rep it's hard to stop.

But hey! I did came up with a timetable to study in the afternoon and relax a little at night with some light reading of the notes and stuff. Gotta maintain my scorces, or i'm bounded not bonded....

I can't wait till sat for shopping! =P''' Jeans and shirts maybe

I hope i can find "Nihongo Journal" at kino, a pretty good read for Jap beginners at it has kata kana and hira gana.. Next stop would be a dictionary or i have to rely on the online one.

Nani o surundesu ka? Baka! nedekudaisai..... i(i think i'm wrong here... rusty lol) Elementart 2 comign up at the end of july! gotta brush up for a bit!