Riding in the Rain...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Blizzard Server transfers are so unfair! STeamwheedle Cartel is an RP server where the community there is super close. MC is not even conquered by the natives yet! And now the lv 60 transfers iwth T2 are coming in and ruining the whole show and gameplay! What the hell is the money mind Blizzard thinking? Pathetic, Brainless! SWC is still at its virgin state of just 4-5 months old! Do you think that those High end instances are already done by the natives? no!

Crap... Crap... It ruins the gameplay when all the hard work you put in to grow with the community in the server get invaders by "L33t god-like" wannabe lamers rejects from other servers to SWC.

Thanks a million for such and wonderful surprise you dropped on us! Lub you Bliz!