Riding in the Rain...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Structural Functionalism Part 1

Eternal Steppes
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
I'm so lazy! I wanted to try writing some sociology stuff related to WoW so that i can get used to the concepts used and remember them with a punch. Trying to related the examples to real life is so hard >.< Now i'm so tried after typing hard a page of crap in word and i'm too late to continue... grr...

I think i should blog about it in the future so i can learn and the rest of you can too! =)

Maybe we can start now!

There are 3 sociological perspectives Structural functionalism , Conflict theory, and symbolic interactionalism.

Let's start with Structural Functionalism today!

How do you relate society as? An object or an organism? If various events like economic factors, war and death, cause changes to affect the usual life of the city. Can it evolve to react to it or assimilate to acheive a new state of equilibrium, like before?

If you think that this example is pretty much what you have in mind, that Structural Functionalism(let's call it SF for short). =)

A few important things about SFis that each specific components in that society is interdependent on another component. Who are these components as you may think? Me, him, your mum, boss? It's EVERYONE! =) They are futher grouped under diferent headings like your family, school, work office, police, courts, military, parliment. They all can affect each other, may i so to speak? Thinking on a more wider scope, intercountry relations or inter-planetary relations or inter-galaxy relations =P

Another main factor is ORDER! Social order. you see, each component plays a role or function in this 'organism'(society) They affect each other in a good or bad way. So due to this interdependency, an equilibrium state is achieved as everyone is cosy with each other. *Barney's song of 'I love you, You love me" starts playing in the background* If something causes a event to disrupt this equilibrium, the organism would evolve to react to that event. Eg, *Takes a shotgun and shoots BArney Bang Bang!* the organism would react to acheive a new state of equilibrium after the aftermath of that irritating purple dinosaur =) So life goes on in the new equilibrium with the death of Barney... For a more remarkable exmaple, compare thelife before 911 and now. How goes our new equilibrium?

Cool, think i'll go on to part 2 tomorrow =) I hope you guys learn something as well =P