Riding in the Rain...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
I owe this blog new pics.... Jie! Go shoot! And i realised the bubble box is broken too... Damn.... I need a new blog... Maybe i'll try Wordpress soon.

I think i made a good decision for not getting the Tarantula hastily... I believe a normal black keyboard would be sufficient for WoW. And I can dump them easily if i spill any drinks onto it =P So it's some black keyboard for me this weekend. Plus i feel the importance of not crying over things you can't get in wow. Now i play for fun, not for the phat loot. =)

Heh, need a change of spectacles soon. Been wearing this overused and scratched frameless for 2-3 years =( Next in line, Oakleys!! Yay!

Gonna check out the site soon. Later!