Riding in the Rain...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Rain Christmas

Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Hmm, the tests are over. The 2 weeks of holidays are here again. Christmas in a few days. Then the new year.... Talking about Christmas, tonight's night shoot was ruined by the rain... Grr.. I only took 6 pics of a green tree outside Raffles City. Crap....

Take a look at this link

It's about a fellow WoW player on how WoW has taken a toll on him. I have seen some of the effect mentioned by him. And i'm guilty of some things at an addicted person might do to accomplish more in that game. I went out lesser and lesser, turned down appointments. Got fat. And now i'm thinking of "Why am I doing this?" For the 'false sense" accomplishments that i can't achieve in real life? My love for fantasy has boundaries as wide of the Universe. I can't seem to find 'real life' interesting anymore =(

Everyone is just working hard due to the fact that's it is essential to get a good life in SG. It is just like following the crowd. Good education = degree = good life, money rich and all those materialistic means. It's so boring.... I get the message that education is important. But it is too rigid and structured that dulls learning. I would like to explore the depths of the impossible, the imaginary. Yet, i think i'm too dulled to do much creative thinking. Another time perhaps. Damn thyself first before you damn anything.... blah!