Riding in the Rain...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
I got a warning letter for missing 2 lessons. grr.... Got grilled by Dad. End of story.

Let's write something interesting today. Kolhberg's Theory on Moral development!

This guy thought of 3 levels of moral development in humans. And in these 4 levels, there are 6 stages!

Level 1 (Pre-conventional level)
In this, level of development, it usually happens to children.

Stage 1

Obedience and Punishment
- Act is percieved as morally wrong
- person who committed the act gets punished

Stage 2

What is it in for me? (One's own best interest)
- Little interest in the needs of others, just to further own interest
- not based on respect or loyalty

Level 2 (Conventional Level)
Happens in adolescents and adults

Stage 3
Individual enter society by filling social roles (Good boy/ Good girl concept)
- live up to expectations due to inherent value of being good
- judge morality of its values by evaluating its consequences
- respect gratitude, 'treat others as you like to be treated'

Stage 4
-Obey laws, dictum and social conventions
- values importance of maintaining a functioning society
- transcend individual needs
- go for central ideal to say right or wrong

Level 3 (Post-conventional)

Stage 5
-individual holding different views and opinion
- paramount to be respected and honored impartially
- no single choice is correct and absolute
- laws that don't promote general social welfare should be changed for 'Greatest good for the greatest numbe rof people'

Stage 6
- commitment to justice carries with it to disobey unjust laws
- one acts because it is right , not because it is instrumental, legal m expected or agreed upon

So have you thought of any experiences from young to now that this is how your mora; development is? Trial and error. Evolving to give to society. following its rules. Then to discover after the amount of experiences that there is no absolute from different point of views? Going against the rules because times have changed and it is irrelevant to current times?

i shalln't say that this is the correct version of his theory. This is a summarised version I got while researching on moral values for school work... And perhaps it has been misinterpreted by others or me. Oh well.... Haruhism rules! Any ESPers, space aliens or time travellers wanna come out to play and make a world full of fun with me? =P