Riding in the Rain...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Personality with a twitch

Peaceful rest
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Read through this personality book to find out my own categories... Then i was the same throughout the year.

I'm so call emotionally neutral...
Relationship dependent and emotionally self-sufficient. Good balance between emotional warmth and distance in appropriate situations. Aren't too emotionally needy, neither aloof or detached. Enjoy a little spontaneity as long as i have some order in life. I maintain the balance of relationship dependence and emotionally self-sufficiency BASED ON situations... Consciously or subconsciously.... Thus, switching personality at different environments.

That is all so true.... My true colors revealed. A chimera, a shapeshifter.... Bite me.

And the freaking left upper eye lip twitching has gone into it's 1.5week run. Read up a lot on the net, either it's spasms, tumor in the brain, something wrong with nerves or a good luck indicator or someone is thinking about me! Argh! the horrors!

Sleep. Peace peace.