Riding in the Rain...

Saturday, July 30, 2005

mana Deck

mana Deck
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Lots of stuff happened this week. I started playing Magic The Gathering! Heh, the only reason i could think of why i bought my first deck is getting bored stoning in bunk or sick of reading. hah! Now everyone's keen to play and trade cards to ease the dread thought of staying in.. haha! Kamigawai seems like a nice series to play. Althought the new 9th ed is out, this is still nicer... =P

A freaky accident happened today. A cyclist endo at around 25km/h. And that was me... I don't rememer what actually happened due to shock i suppose... I feels like i was possessed during that few minutes after the impact... they said that i was awake and shocked. Plus i was walking around and stuff.. i regained back in full mental capacity when i sat down at the medical centre.. Freaky... not the accident, but the period of memory loss. Now with a dislocated shoulder bone, typing with one hand is hard... gah.. hope they push it back properly next week! =P

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Furry waves

Furry waves
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
I miss home! I'm finally home after 6 days in camp! ah!!!

Well, I was given the chance to go home on thursday. I had to sleep in camp later that night, didn't really feel like going home. So i slept in camp and rode to ECP in the later evening for dinner. ECP is so much longer now! AH! The new extension totally rocks. Although the track has yet to fix on lamps, it's feels very surreal and nostaglic riding in the dark. Hah, ECP hawker centre's beef kway tiao and chicken wing rocks! Just one of the most productive days i ever had during this stressful period! =D

No more idiots bringing back TVs, hifis, and washing machines when they go back to their ship! hurray! I'm slightly disturbed by the quantity of idiots shaking heads in front of me! BAH!

Hmm, tried not to play too much GW today. But it's so fun to play! =X Heh, re-downlaoding RO to play on a private server! anyone wanna join me? just an alternative from GW for me to waste my life with.

The new National library is opened! I wanna go there! =P maybe on friday then...

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Oh, how do i start? Being sick while on duty is so troublesome. A bad cough, sore throat and a running nose could cause much trouble while doing duty. The MO didn't gimme MC to rest, he gave me light duties instead! That's no difference than not seeing him at all! I'm not that desperate for an MC, but light duties in my squadron means that i have to CONTINUE with duties. Where can i rest if i do duty for 24hours, and get woken up in the middle of the night by some stupid buzzing alarm? Took matters into my own hands and took a off! haha... It felt so good to wake up late in the morning. It's rare. A much sought after luxury.

Almost bought an n-gage! Heisitated 2 times in front of the shop. The shopkeeper must be thinking that i'm crazy walking in and out. haha, I'm kinda happy that i didn't spurge on that weird looking phone just to play game. And, of cos, I'm not getting a PSP definitely. Just wanna save up to get the full set of Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics! That's about $300 for the full set. Unless i buy it on the 20% discount days at Kino... =D

Pretty much a good week for me, relaxing here and there. I can't wait till NPD! I wanna take fireworks at Parade! Gotta recce for a suitable and ulu place to take. Or anyone wanna book a hotel room? Swissotel seems like a good place. HAha, maybe i have nothing to do much these days. I was even considering joining the Genographic project from NG. MAybe i have too much $$ to spent?? haha, maybe not...

Finally, the day draw closer for those going NS! Hahaha, remember to take phtoto of yourself before NS and after your 3 months in BMT! You'll see the diff. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Oh well, I'm back in camp again. I feel extremely tired as i can't really waste much of my time outside sleeping. haha, played GW the whole day! Yeah, i dun count it as a waste of time. It's like a period for resting while at the same time playing something that i like. BTW, bone fiends now fill up my power gap against the stronger monsters. I know know what skills should i get for my ranger. =)

I wanna change my phone! But i can't get any camera phones.. Gah.. Maybe a N-gage QD. Lobangs anyone? Too bored in camp, so i have to resort to playing stupid games online like Kings of chaos. Would post up a link or 2 to help me recuit new knights. Haiz... I really miss sleeping at home... It's been a month since i last woke up with the sun shining at me in my bed. I need more rest. I dun get offs or even go out on public holidays. My booking out day are reduced to like interrupted book outs, with at most 18 outside of camp. So how can i sleep? Now i'm too shagged to even riding my bike or do any sports. My body is degenerating due to this. Ah...

I guess again i ended this blog with a depressing note again.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Woof Woof!

Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Today id Fifi birthday! haha! I had to take about 50 shots using multi burst to get this clear shot. She can't sit still....

Well, got a sore throat and maybe a cold... Kinda sick, yup. More rest! less play!! No!!! It's should be More rest, less work! AH!!!

Bringing my bike to camp tomorrow... I'm spending lots on taxi rides these few weeks... omg!

Monday, July 04, 2005


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Well, it's a rather exciting saturday. Some fire broke out and had to extinguish immediately. My first real fire! Some cockups here and there, but everything resumed after 45mins of scuttling around here and there. While spraying the CO2, i was thinking that would it explode? What am i doing being so garang? What if i die? This fear just come to my mind... It's just so scary.

Oh well, an unproductive day walking around TP. Wanted to go Benjamin Sheares bridge to take sunset photos... but... Oh NVM! Laziness would be the death of us all! =P

I'm gonna collect sandman comics by Neil Gaimen! AH!

Friday, July 01, 2005


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Ah.. The moonlight... I see it everyday in camp.... I miss spending at night outside in the beach. I miss sleeping late till the sun shines on my ass in my bed. My weekends are broken up and made to be alternate... What can i do? I need a night for me to ride my bike and not to think about booking in the next morning. Things are so tight in camp, everyone is feeling the effects of homesick. It's screwed to be in this camp. It destroys your normal sleeping hours. Your normal time spend during weekends. Feeling too tired to do anything after you get out of camp. It's affecting us everywhere!

Meeting up with friends can be so hard these days. Some say 'hi' and 'bye', and suddenly dissolve into thin air after a few months. I feel that the effects of this new routine is killing everyone in it. There isn't a rest period long enough to break the monotony of this duty stay-in shit. Anyway, just grumbling here to please myself. Hah, politics in the office is just so savage....


Girls all grown up!

Girls all grown up!
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm trying to make mine into a photo blog. So i'll be updating when i have some photos. =D

Went for the dinner on Sat! Was so happy that most of them can make it! It's been a long time since we had a decent gathering due to our own busy schedules. Mine's unpredictable not busy...

Sort of broke a table in the restaurant that night. Lol, we are getting stronger day by day... =X