Riding in the Rain...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
This is the last post of this blog... *sob* It's been 4 long years since it's first post. From JC, post JC riding days, Army, and a little till of poly and now!

This blog has gone through 1124posts, 4-5 revamps in layouts. 3 tag boards. And 10k hits.. heh, i wasn't expecting that much at all. Seems knda sad to just leave them all here...

The posts are not just words. They contain lots of memories in the past. That's what journals are for. You look back, see how far have you changed, how far have your improved or fallen. Some of which you wish to relive the days, some which you wish that never happened.

I have moved onto my personal hosted blog at www.kazesuki.com. Come find me there. Updates and relink to the updated address please!

Domo, arigatou onegaishimasu!

Prepare for Glory!

Prepare for Glory!
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Gore has never being this beautiful. The movie has a lot of slow motion stuff. The blood spilling was very artistically dramatic. I was never intrigued by blood and gore, until now.

Lots of naked bodies, 8 packed hunks. All hail the Queen of Spartan =)

After the movie, the group of Sean, Leon, Jonathan and Me went to youth park for makan and chit chat.

What's left later in the night was Leon and me, talking at Macs at Shaw house. We talked about a lot of stuff. Life, future, girls (or rather the trans that were walking about), and our close ones. A pretty good talk till morning 630am. Then we parted our ways.

Later in the afternoon, a try at mahjong landed me as the second highest winner! Bought ice cream for the family =P

Friday, March 09, 2007


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.

1. tired of the world; "bored with life"; "strolled through the museum with a bored air"
2. uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence;

I can't work on the next site for the blog, due to the stupid nameservers refresh rate of 24-72 hours. I understand now the different between wordpress.org and wordpress.com. After a fee of $15 bucks...

the .org is uploaded to your web host and you blog from there. The .com one allows you to blog online with lesser flexibility. Uber flexiblity is with the .org one.

So the stupid me signed up for the .com one, paid $15 bucks to direct the domain name to the blog at wordpress.com. Only to discover, i need to pay more to edit the css...

Ooo... Gonna go for my T100 lesson! later!

The Sony T100

The Sony T100
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Ah, the Sony T100.

Here's how it came about:

I was just walking around the IT Show with my bro. With nothing in mind to buy. I was looking to try out Sony's latest digicam, T100.

*Caught eye of the Sony booth signs made a beeline for it*

Then there, the salesperson introduced the T100 to me. I fondled with it, pressed, went through everything in the cam. Man, it's a beauty. A powerful one too. I wasn't really into getting it now as I was saving for my bike. So.....

The next thing you know, it's in my hands at home. There, look at that photo.

Compulsive shopping will be the death of me someday.

Plus, the Japanese desserts at Marina square are pretty tasty. I want to eat there again. And again! and AGAIN!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Sin Food

The Sin Food
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Got this from my neighbour who went to US for a business trip. It's freaking sweet!! Pure peanut butter covered by Uber-sweet milk chocolate. One of the sweetest things i ate ever.

The other was Coffeeclub's Mudcake. Just thinking about it just made feel so bad eating that stuff.

I'm staying far away from those now.

Threadless sale! Consolidated orders here and then and the bill accounted up to the two hundreds! Thankfully, the US rate is back to S$1.50. (stupid deflict) More shopping to come!

Oh, Playstation 3 launch today! Woot~! I want a T100 more than a PS3...

Monday, March 05, 2007

Ion Cannon ready.

Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
What do you get when you have 2 boys with some high tech toys and a HDTV?

Living room has turned into a temp war room for CnC 3 demo... Wireless keyboard and mouse. Wireless network... Ooo.... Big screen!

I kept reading Haruki Murakami's book. It's a good book. So dreamy. So surreal. Then suddenly i think that there are people that do nonsensical things too, like me! I shall not elaborate on that.

Mostly to think about stuff. About life, past present, future, the uncertainty and nothingness. I should go buy more of his books =)

A few days ago, I met up with Mauricette and we chatted up a little on holidays. She was going about why didn't i go overseas for this holidays? Regardless with company or not, it'll be fun. And get to make friends there... Get to rot somewhere out of home.

Hmm, i'll make a note for that during my next holidays.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The night life

Pinku Shuffle!
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
So fun today! talking cock late into the night. It's been a while since i cycled to meet up with the rest for some chit chat at TP. Seems fun.

Anyways, got how around 12. Poured myself a cup of whisky. Drank. And i'm reading a book.... lol. The wonders of life. So blur so confusing...

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
It's been 2 days since i became a Prisoner of Rain (PoR). I'm stuck at home, with nothing to do. Maybe playing Dirge of Cerberus and Okami on PS2. That's about it. I WAS suppose to do some intervals training... Thanks Rain!

The new 2nd G Nano is so slim! I need a leather pouch to thicken it a little bit. Shopping on Sat, i hope.

It was still drizzling when i met JM to pass him his 'pinku' Shuffle. Borrowed some books to kill time if it rains.... I'm so never gonna finish reading all my mags.

*hugs RED Nano*