Riding in the Rain...

Sunday, December 31, 2006


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
"Two decades and a year of.." A beautiful and exciting night of partying at Daybedbar and Ministry of Sound. Both place were a first for me, since i don't really club much anymore. I saw a lot of people that i wasn't really expecting to be there. It was pretty much another gathering to meet up.

MOS music is great! I'm seriously sick of rap R&B.... R&B without rapping is ok. It's the crappy rap part. House music was good! I'm haven't really heard much house music to give a good grading yet. The room we had had a very nice lounge ambience. "The Red Room", it was called. Met lots of new people there. Old school mates, new faces, Han's friends and such. Chivas is nice damn it! lol! I drank quite a bit at Daybedbar before MOS... 2 shots and some drink. Then a few more at MOS.

Stayed till 430am! Then went to Macs with a few new met friends to sit out for the first trains to move.

A beautiful night. Lots of shots can be found here.


Saturday, December 30, 2006


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Had a bash at Tim's party yesterday. It was really good to meet up with the guys and talking about what crap we did in our lives in NS. heh... Lots of laughter and experience sharing from TIm's stint in the US

Jeff's into Road cycling... He's got a carbon BMT frame with 105 O.O. That's worth like 5k with everything set up? I found a fellow roadie! Hmm, i should go back to cycling. 6 months break has made me itchy.....

Friday, December 29, 2006


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Went out to help Rosemary do her photos for her project. Then it rained...and rained.... Lots of shaky shoots as i was lazy to use tripod. Just wanted her to try out photography at the same time. She has to use an ancient SLR. It was heavy, metallic, but the mechanism sounded cool! Films are expensive... So i made her shoot to her hearts content on the DSLR.... We all have shaky hands.

It's been a while since i slept at 10pm... the feeling is just so nice.... I'm becoming a couch potato WoW and the 42 inch tv...... argh.... then i have so many parties to go to!!! Tim's on fridays, Han's and Sunny's on Sat 30 Dec.

Run run! It's seems to be the repeated pattern for everywhere.... running 2 places at in one day... I'm used to it lol... I just love the movement of things to be unexpected.... I think i'm in love with stress... lol, more photos to come

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Shadows of a Rogue

Shadows of a Rogue
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Merry Christmas! A little late but better than never!

Had a BBQ at Mingyan's house. Was fun and enjoyed myself lots. Play Chinese chess with a few. Was really amazed that i still know some of the steps...

So Christmas is her. A new year is coming in days. 72 days of my life was spent on WoW. A full 72 days.... Oh my god! I think i'll just raid and farm an hour daily, that's it...

Here's a nice quote by Hellwrath from the Rogue forums.

A Rogue's Creed

I do not hide in darkness - I am the darkness itself.
I do not burden myself with heavy armor - Instead I shall remain quick and nimble.
I do not corrupt my soul for demonic power - I have no soul to corrupt for it was lost long ago.
I do not rely on a pet to fight for me while I remain afar- Instead I must feel my opponent's blood upclose.
I have no magic or totems to utilize in combat - My blades are enough to sustain me in battle.
I do not rely on divine aid to shield me in my time of need - Divinity has abandonded my cause.

I am the cold breeze behind your neck right before you feel my blades in your back.
I am the unknown factor when you enter a shadowed room.
My blood is venom, and it coarses through my steel, and unto your own veins.
My band of shadow brothers are all one - Despite the differences - I shall respect them.

I am Fear - I am Uncertainty - I am Paranoia

I Am A Rogue - And this I shall never forget.

-Hellwrath, Hyjal Realm

Pretty nice, i must say. Rogues have the freedom to move around like they please... Mysterious, and dark.... how i envy

Sunday, December 24, 2006


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
I was in my room playing WoW. When i stepped out of the room, this 42'' inch monster appeared in the living room out of nowhere..... HDTV, hmm.... PS3 anyone? I should start a fund too...

It's so freaking huge!

*Grabs Voices Concert by Nobuo Uematsu and slots it into the DVD player, with a glass of pepsi twist by the side*

*Swoons to the music*

Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas in the rain

Christmas in the rain
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
It rained when i took this pic. It was surreal and calm to see a christmas tree standing strong against the splattering of the rain.... I like rain... so cooling and relax.... Perhaps it is the sound of water, or the motion of the droplets with the wind. Kaze.....

Christmas is coming in 2 days. hopefully i can get some shots done before then. Cleared out my cupboard today, making way for new bookshelf. As usual, when i dig out old stuff i do through all the pics and stuff.... Nostalgic memories.... and i see her photo... I don't think i forgotten her yet. But then, she's somewhere far now... heh, let time see how the future goes...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Rain Christmas

Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Hmm, the tests are over. The 2 weeks of holidays are here again. Christmas in a few days. Then the new year.... Talking about Christmas, tonight's night shoot was ruined by the rain... Grr.. I only took 6 pics of a green tree outside Raffles City. Crap....

Take a look at this link

It's about a fellow WoW player on how WoW has taken a toll on him. I have seen some of the effect mentioned by him. And i'm guilty of some things at an addicted person might do to accomplish more in that game. I went out lesser and lesser, turned down appointments. Got fat. And now i'm thinking of "Why am I doing this?" For the 'false sense" accomplishments that i can't achieve in real life? My love for fantasy has boundaries as wide of the Universe. I can't seem to find 'real life' interesting anymore =(

Everyone is just working hard due to the fact that's it is essential to get a good life in SG. It is just like following the crowd. Good education = degree = good life, money rich and all those materialistic means. It's so boring.... I get the message that education is important. But it is too rigid and structured that dulls learning. I would like to explore the depths of the impossible, the imaginary. Yet, i think i'm too dulled to do much creative thinking. Another time perhaps. Damn thyself first before you damn anything.... blah!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Desert by the layer
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
It's been a while... Getting organised needs effort. Simple things like sorting out notes when you come home from school. I don't keep up to the bare expectancy of getting organised... I know it helps save time when i need them and not go running away the room trying to find them. Actually i know where are my stuff when they are untouched in that pile of mess. Then comes a lot my virtuous mother tidying up the mess. And everything looks neat. That's the mess to me when she does that... I can't find what i what. Tiny stuff get throw into boxes. A treasure hunt ensues every time...

I know it's my fault. I aim to improve the situation after the last ICA on thursday.

If... i don't get absorbed into WoW again...

Sunday, December 03, 2006

B'dae at Newyork Newyork!

Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
LOL! *blush*

Thanks everyone for the fun filled and lovely dinner! Would be more fun if it wasn't in the middles of my test periods >.< Studying is the destroyer of fun....

On a personal note, a few goals to set for myself every year. And i fail to review them every year....

1) Get organised. I want my kino organiser! It's so uber cool! and Expensive... Hopefully, it can replace the Dell *ahem* crappy *cough cough* PDA.

2) Do more photography! The camera has been rotting there for a while.

3) Stay healthy and fit. I need to work on my stamina and built... Getting flabby.

4) Smile more. Improve it =)