Riding in the Rain...

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Video frenzy!

5G Ipod Video
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
I'm suppose to be doing photograhpy, reading books/ comics during my free time at home! And what am i doing? Shopping outside and online! Ah!

I'm trying to spice up my pda with video and stuff to watch on the move. Yet Bro have to taunt me with his new Ipod Video! ah!!!! Just watched Naruto 160 on it, nice resolution, but the sound kinda suck due to the compression.

Oh well, i'm trying to enrich myself with more readings of mags and newspaper, but i can't seem to find the time at all! Maybe i should revert to my isolation period like when i have to save money the last time around. Gah!

I'm clearing quite a few off and leaves next week. So more time to read up hopefully!

Monday, November 21, 2005

A lil' breather

A lil' breather
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Hmm, miss the old school days. Heh, now i know the 'beauty' of NS. I wanna go back to study! Heh... it's so much better then. Ah... i can't really type much in camp. Gonna go photo-shooting this friday. So taht's all for now.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Boon's B-Day Dinner at Satay Club '05

Oh well, a happening week this week. XIONG and lots of shit happened.... haiz... Currently down with a bad cold, maybe soon it would develop into a fever or something. My body is heating up already! ah!

Went for a dinner with the guys at Lau Pa Sar! My first meal there actually. No body brought me there.. hums... I think the food there was great! hehe... Brought Boon a Petplant together with Eric. Hop ehe likes it. heh.

Then the next day went for a 100km plus ride around SG with ZeBin, Lek, and Terri! Ah! Met at IMH to Balestier Rd to eat Bat Ku teh... Then to Kranji damn, then "Bangala City" then to Jurong hill with a weird spiral tower, then to pandan reservoir, then to Bt Chandu canopy walk at Kent Ridge, then to LAu pa sar where i took a taxi home! hai.... too sick and shagged to carry on. The rest went ahead to Changi i believe... so that's about the ride.

So i'm stuck here feeling sick and weak all over... haiz...

Friday, November 04, 2005

Endless road

Endless road
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
I finally got my AOW! heh, asking MJ to help me reproduce it so i can just lock the original away for eternity....

Getting the guys to do stuff really pisses me off sometimes. They would complain, not take it into consideration for others or an important purpose. The results I get would be half-hearted or even no tiny biy of effort put in. I did so much for them, yet it seems an one sided effort to this whole thing.

So the challenge is there. How the hell am i going to push them to wake up and work together? Any tips? This is where i would need help most. I'm new and i keep screwing things up. I don't really have a mentor to look to and stuff. Basically i'm tired.... heh, so the more fun it gets...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Clima Dog!

Clima Dog!
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Heh... Tried to help someone out of confinement but i think i really deserves it. So i went to try with HIM, i failed miserably. Almost got him a bigger punishment. I didn't have much strong point anyway... If i used the only point i have, i would involve any other guy. SO yeah...

I went to the National Library today! It's uber-huge! AH!!! lots and lots og reference books! Now i know where to read the latest issue of FHM, Mens health, Newman all at the same time with no one bothering me!! hehehe....

And Bro got the EOS back! I'm so happy! hehe.... Lumix is kinda redundant now... haiz..

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
My first concert! Heh, my parents didn't really have a thing for concerts and play. So i gotta go for one with me bro! $60 bucks... oh well, she's good!

YUp, i'm pretty much stuck in camp for duty for the next 2 holidays. i'm broke for the week. Just bought any other new toy. Would reveal it soon... So, staying in would be a very good idea. heh....