Riding in the Rain...

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Pahang-Kelantan Boundary

Pahang-Kelantan Boundary
Originally uploaded by Lek>.
This is called being at 2 places at one time =D Did this a few times at some where i forgot....

Well the expedition ended and so back to school for me. It's been a great week so far, getting bonded means i have a little allowance so that i can relieve the burden of my parents. Relaxation after the test on wednesday. But i'm still lethagic from the exped.. I don't think i have enough rest yet =P Maybe Wow had something to do with it. Oh well, at level 48, and grinding for Timbermaw Rep it's hard to stop.

But hey! I did came up with a timetable to study in the afternoon and relax a little at night with some light reading of the notes and stuff. Gotta maintain my scorces, or i'm bounded not bonded....

I can't wait till sat for shopping! =P''' Jeans and shirts maybe

I hope i can find "Nihongo Journal" at kino, a pretty good read for Jap beginners at it has kata kana and hira gana.. Next stop would be a dictionary or i have to rely on the online one.

Nani o surundesu ka? Baka! nedekudaisai..... i(i think i'm wrong here... rusty lol) Elementart 2 comign up at the end of july! gotta brush up for a bit!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Where's my food?

Where's my food?
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Hmm, I think i ahve eaten quite a bit for today... Must be due to the XP and the crazy appetite start coming back. I spent 12 bucks on food itself today! OMG!

I'm with SGH! Heh... Signed the bond today. So tat's my future work place =P

Hopefully i can find some good stuff on sat shopping trip. Preferably some jeans, socks, wallet and shirts maybe. I need a fashion makeover =X Then it's signing up for jap elementary 2 at bunka! hope everyone can make it!

Seems like everyone in class is getting attached or are already attached.... The numbers of bachelors are getting lesser. lol, when it's time for me to thin about these stuff, shows that i'm old... hah! Seems rather morbid to see some breaking up and then the next week a new pair comes up . Pretty interesting scandals around everytime... lol, I hope i don't get dragged into it =P Study!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Korbu Skylight

Korbu Skylight
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Yay! new pics! lol... Only 3! hah! I didn't really take much pics with my Ancient Sony cybershot. So i'll just wait for the pics from Kenneth and Lek to come. Then i'll upload every single pic( after quality check) on to flickr =P

the trip was great! Lots of sandfly bites, about 12 on the left leg and 14 on the right. 2 wasps bite, one on left hand another on the left hand. Lots of srcatches too.

Gonna go study now would up load soem other pics of FiFi (my mad dog) some other time. LAter

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Off to Titiwangsa!

The group
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Guys i'll be goign to Titiwangsa for a week, would be be back by Sunday! I hope...

HAve fun guys!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The days of reckoning

Shoot him!
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Hey, spending the past few days studying and playing WoW. Excerised too. Shagged...

It's been a while since i started WoW. I'm glad i did =) I got into the top 3 guilds in server Steamwheedle Cartel. Bro's playing on my server too. So is kelvin! Weee~! This server is ideal for more relaxing playtime. No rushing and tension. heh, roleplay all you want!

BTW, my guild's Enders just started around the time i bought the game =P So i'm pretty much lucky. Gotta thank, Irr, Glyph, Regnak, Kat, Bromber, Varoc for such and enjoyable time together. I'll be joining hte ranks of 60 very soon. currently a lvl 45 rogue.. MAking a Mage heh..

Check out the guild's webby here


Well, since i got my sponsorship(yay!), I should start concentrating on my studies to maintain the bond. So an iron rule will be set. No WoW on WEEKDAYS except on holidays. I need some control! damn.

I'm going into hosting my own webby soon. If I find the correct webhost, i might get 2 domain names =) maybe i'll give one to the guild. So looking forward to the future! need to sleep now...

Good night!

Monday, June 12, 2006

concrete pores

concrete pores
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Heh... haven't blogged for a week! Busy studying for the past few days for exams and the major release of stress through WoW! heh!

I seriously need to go out shoot a bit =(

It's getting moew fun in WoW! 30 v 30 pvp sessions are pretty refreshing from 10 v 10 ones. heh, still on my way to getting a epic =P

oh yah, it's a 2 week break for me fromschool! Weee~! Need to make use of this time to study and catch up with the lessons. OMG jap test is this sat!!!
back to studying!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Web of a treee

Web of a treee
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
An eventful week! ORD loh! Plus i still can't believe that i have to run here and there to get signatures and finding them in the tough part! It's like questing in real life! Just like WoW... Lots of shocks in the day... and almost couldn't ORD cause the CO was busy! OMG~! But we persisted and we got it! hehe~! If you wanna elaborate the story, ask me... haha, pretty exciting!

I entered BMT with Timonthy from day 1 and ended our NS stint together till the last day! Fated? hmmm... Then Tim bought us (me, Kelvin) to Tanah Merah Golf course for dinner! First time to a golf course! lol, like a scene in WOW... heh, dinner was charged to his Dad'd account =X Thanks Tim's dad!

Then almost rammed into a car when Tim was driving... He dozed off! OMG, if i didn't alert him dozing off, i don't know what' sthe outcome.... Safety reminder to all!

Now as a civilian gotta work hard and strive! Weigh trainings on the go!