Riding in the Rain...

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Satisfying smile =D

Satisfying smile =D
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
That's me! Yup, that smile i had when we reached JB. Sometimes i wondered that would i give the same smile when i ORD? MAybe an even bigger smile then?

I'm still kinda eeky about my new appointment. Heh... Lots of stuff to learn everyday. Good or bad, it's all in the one's perception. I did wrong, i did right. I'm learning every day to see the process of how things are run. It's just a matter of making decisions. My bad habit is just running away from it all. Now i'm stuck in a position that i can't anymore. It feels weird and uneasy. But i'm taking it in slowly. I'm don't really like to force people to do what they don't like. Sometimes i have to... And i feel so.. so... evil? Then at that moment, the nonchalant feeling kicks in to numb it off. Hmmm, some self-protection mechanism... heh...

Hmmm, I'm pretty much like that not. It's just so not me.... But i gotta do it.... putting on a mask again. hmmm, the unnatural me!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Celestial lights

Celestial lights
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Please pardon me for my previous post. Just wanted to let it out.

I have been having weird dreams lately. I'm dreaming of just wandering around the world. Travelling. Worlds that don't exist. Dreams are dreams.

I'm pretty much wondering what's my goal in life? I have been aimless for quite a while. Pretty temporary ones are like, be in the national cycling team, scientist? hmm, i don't don't. I'm jsut looking around for some jobs that have the component of travelling around different parts of the world, interaction with nature. Be it a zoo keeper or a wildlife photographer, I would love it. Sometimes i just don't want to see another human around again. It's kinda boring. All i see here is guys gal, chio bus, buildings. Man-made natural objects. Well they have their good points in the human society. This city is just missing something. I wanna see the real natural stuff.

Well, look at this. Who has the ability to do massive changes, be it destruction or creation. Who has the power to protect or destroy the world? Ants? birds? whales?

I think YOU know the answer.

Moment of light

Moment of light
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
I haven't really blogged for the past week. I was kinda stressed and slightly depressed. Why? I don't like my current appointment!!! A freaking PS! ah!!! They jsut threw me into that appointment out of the blue. So i went to understudy for 2 weeks. I didn't like it at all. gah! This is one sticky situation i'm in! Then i should stuck in tis position until feb? By then i should be getting someone to take over for a while to get a well deserved break. I almost couldn't take the first week. Am i able to continue for a few months? I keep telling myself to take it as a challenge... It's hard! Before anyone comes and start labelling as a weenie or something, please let me unwhine a bit to keep my stress level down. Such a sudden change in environment is so freaking hard! I was chosen because 'there were no one else'!! WTF reason was that? It's shit work to be done everyday. I find the reason to implement the change just for a week of relaxation pretty nice. But we have to sacrifice 2 weeks of hell with extra hours of work on top of it? Is it worth it? Sometimes those higher ups are pretty useless, when it comes to lower down's stuff. All they know is to just ask you to do it. Just do it. (Please screw the certain brand's slogan. No offence.) All they tell us that they understand how we feel. Tell us we are giving these nice previlleges, only to be taken away in the future. It has happened. They tell us they would do this in the future. Yet they tell us they won't implement the good stuff. Instead they start throwing us stuff that casues us more work, more stress more shit. The guys are suffering for god's stake! They have sacrificed so much for the unit and in a more honourable term, for the nation. At least, show some appreciation and not to go overboard with matters.

We worked 24hours ,every day, for the whole week. for the whole year. The light in the office was never switched off, less the occassional power trips. While the higher ups happily go home to their family and play a short game of golf. Heh, beautiful isn't it?

Sometimes I feel that we are being exploited beyond what we are earning for. These few hundred bucks is just so hard to earn... So let's just take a step at a time and see what they can throw at us. We will become stronger, of course. With so much shit throw to us who doesn't become stronger? Well, our pathetic lives shall continue in this hell hole always looking for some hope to ease our lives. Apparently, the current factors doesn't deem the future as bright. There is hope. GAh!

I feel much better now.

*Disclaimer, READ THIS FIRST*
For all the above words, take it with a pinch of salt. They are meant to be just crap, utter rubbish. These words are not meant to cause any harm or anything negative. These words are just waste results generated from a form of relieve theraphy. So once again, they are utter crap. All to be forgotten after you read it.

(Have to type this... after i kena sued how?)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The lovely printer!

The lovely printer!
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
This is the printer that prints lovely pictures! hehe... Got it free when me bro got his EOS350D! Kinda interesting to see it print 3 different types of color separately! I'm so gonna decorate my work table with photos! hehe....

Another heretic day for me! Sai kang and more sai kang!!! ah! Luckily i get to book out! hehe... hope i can take a off this friday!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Magenta Reds

Magenta Reds
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
It's my first day as a PS today. I find it pretty hard, stressful. Halfway through i'm already missing my previous appointment which was much relaxing and fun in a way. But now, i feel that it's a irritant that people ask me for rides and stuff! AH!!! I hope i can get through the initial hard steps and get on with my life as a PS in this unit... heh...

I spent money on magic again! Someone stop me!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Road beyond

Road beyond
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Hmm, soccer. The barclay's english premier league. I'm not really a keen fan of soccer, many are around me. After so many years, I still don't get what's so great about soccer... No offence, but I find it rather sick to gamble with the game they love so much. Passion became an obession. Then the money lending, and the pressure to bet more to win and clear the debts.

It happened to someone I know. Now i'm trying to help him get over his problem and debts. I see a glimmer of hope....

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Azure trees

Azure trees
Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
A miracle happened! I finally moved my lazy ass to upload all the pics from teh biking trip and Don's ORD dinner! Oh well, it's time i got my butt moving to ride...

I'm pretty much tempted to buy a PSP today. But I'm not really impressed with the current array of games on the market now. Most of the games i would play are either Japanese RPG or Japanese action games. So i'm quite hesistent to buy at all. Burnout legends is good, but mindless crashing is rather boring after a while. I need some decent RPGs! AH!

I'm gonna be 20 years old this November. Thinking back, time really fly at warp speed. Miss the old times. heh, had a little info about some engagement blowing around other friend's blogs. So the little bad habit in me to find and source out the validity of it. And i usually get what i want to find... So yah.... Hmm, seems that bloggers really put up a lot of info for the world to see...

Oh well, time to sleep!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

I'm too tired...

Originally uploaded by Xepheiro.
Yup, the camera is spolit! hai... Not really sure what happened. But i just changed ISO settings and that's all. SO the effect stayed with the rest of the pics i took. Gotta bring it donw to Canon service centre this week.

Most prob not getting the cervelo this year as i'm becoming more busy and stuff. Haiz... Postponed again. Haiz... Most prob to try out pedals and spds first.

I just can't wait to get a PSP! AH!!!

PS: Happy Children's Day! It seemed like life just floated by unlknowingly for a past few years that i finally realised that i still don't have a full sense of what is it......